Monday, February 1, 2016

I need to start

Maybe I need to start write again. Maybe someday, I could read it back, my hard times. Maybe my children can read it.

I dont know where to start. Dah lebih dari seminggu dari hari aku dihukum "gagal sekali lagi" dalam hidup ini. I dont know dekat mane silapnye. Phrase "nothing much to be corrected" dari examiner masih lagi bermain di kepale. Masih lagi tidak boleh menerima alasan dari pihak fakulti "We think that if we give you another semester, then maybe you can give a better thesis.". Anyway, aku terima keputusan itu. Aku redha. But, khamis lepas SV aku ade call, die ckp die baru keluar meeting. Die xbleh reveal bnyk sangat, but he need me to ready with my correction and wait for KPP to call. I dont like it, I dont like when people give me hope. Thats whats happened, Ive been waiting since then, nothing from KPP until now. Aku rase aku perlu move on and terima apa yang telah ditakdirkan.

I keep motivate myself and try not to give up. The quotes I get today is really deep, "Dont let them to call you a QUITTER!"

Monday, January 9, 2012


with or without we will rise
rise and rise again
fall, we rise again
with crowd or  alone
forever  we march

with or without you we will rise
coz what we fight is not for you
we fight for us
we are not fighting coz you told us to
we are fighting coz Allah told us to

we are like spring
the harder you push us
the higher we will rise
just  like  Islam...
one fine day, Islam will rise again
with or without you

let them know that we will keep rising
with or without you
let then know  that  they are not just againts you
let them know that they are not  just  againts us
they also againts  Allah...
let them know that now

Sunday, August 14, 2011

[Aku Hanya Umar]

Album : Damai
Munsyid : Hijjaz

Sebelum disapa sinar iman
Kau bagaikan singa yang mengganas
Membunuh anak perempuanmu
Tanpa rasa belas dan kasihan
Dipandu hati sekeras batu
Jahiliah yang menyesatkan

Bila nur Al-Quran menusuk ke jiwa
Lunturlah segala keangkuhanmu
Berubah dan beralih arahmu
Terbentur segala kekejaman
Menjadi wira miskin nestapa
Membela yang tak berupaya

Tidurmu di rimbunan tamar
Tenangmu tiada tercalar
Berbantal lengan tanpa pengawal
Berselimut embun keimanan

Di malam yang hening
Meratap menyesali diri
Pada dosa kealpaan
Dibasuh dengan airmata
Memohon keampunan Tuhan

Engkau khalifah berjiwa hamba
Mentadbir tanpa singgahsana
Menghina diri di hadapan Allah
Kemuliaan diri manusia

Mulia hidup bersulam taqwa
Mulia matimu kau syuhada
Pergi rohmu ke alam tinggi
Terbang menuju ke syurgawi

?Aku hanya seorang Umar
Kemuliaanku kerana Islam
Semua ke syurga kecuali dia
Ku bimbangi dialah diriku?

Hati sekeras batu
Menjadi selembut air
Jadi teman kebenaran
Jadi musuh pada kebatilan